Image: Christian IX - Konge til Danmark

Description: King Christian IX of Denmark. Contemporary illustration from the 1864 German-Danish War.
Title: Christian IX - Konge til Danmark
Credit: To hundrede Træsnit. Tegninger fra Krigen i Danmark 1864, Forlagsbureauet i Kjøbenhavn (G.E.C. Gad, Gyldendalske Boghandel, C.C. Lose & Delbanco), Thieles Bogtrykkeri, 1864. This illustration appears on page 3. Own scan. Note: The original image was larger than A4 and this image is consequently a merge of two independent scans. The transition is alas not completely error-free.
Author: This book is a compilation of illustrations by 18 different artists. This image was created by Henrik Olrik (1830-1890.) [2] First printed in Illustreret Tidende, No. 254, 7 August 1864, page 366. The author of this illustration died more than 70 years ago, and this image is consequently in the Public Domain.
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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