Image: Chakkimorh-5332-2

Description: Presenting Red-billed Leiothrix.....a.k.a Red Lipstick Bird. Chakkimorh, Solan District, Himachal Pradesh, India. Since the day i have started birding i had been hearing about Leiothrix & many other birds. Every time i went to birding i always had this thought in my mind that today i may get to photograph one of those birds. I don't consider to have seen a particular bird till the time i have had a GOOD photo. Last month i saw Red Billed Leiothrix for the first time but it couldn't make to my list. This time around the bird extraordinarily fulfilled my wish of photographing it. I saw flocks upon flocks of leiothrix and they gave me plenty of opputunity to photograph it. Here is just one photograph, i hope you guys will like it.
Title: Chakkimorh-5332-2
Credit: Own work
Author: Drmanubmengi
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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Attribution Required?: Yes
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