Image: CartogramDemocraticPresidentialCounty1964Colorbrewer

Description: Cartogram of Democratic presidential election results by county (1964). Colors based on Colorbrewer 2.0.
Title: CartogramDemocraticPresidentialCounty1964Colorbrewer
Credit: Own work. Original shapefile downloaded from: Minnesota Population Center. National Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota 2011.
Author: derivative work: Tilden76
Permission: "Citation and Use of NHGIS Data All persons are granted a limited license to use this documentation and the accompanying data, subject to the following condition: Publications and research reports based on the database must cite it appropriately. The citation should include the following: Minnesota Population Center. National Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota 2011. If possible, citations should also include the URL for the NHGIS site:" The copyright holder of this file allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted. Attribution: NHGIS Attribution
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
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Attribution Required?: Yes
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