Image: Candid and impartial considerations on the nature of the sugar trade; the comparative importance of the British and French islands in the West-Indies- with the value and consequence of St. Lucia and (14780319154)

Description: Identifier: candidimpartialc00camp (find matches) Title: Candid and impartial considerations on the nature of the sugar trade; the comparative importance of the British and French islands in the West-Indies: with the value and consequence of St. Lucia and Granada, truly stated Year: 1763 (1760s) Authors: Campbell, John, 1708-1775 Subjects: Sugar trade Publisher: London, Printed for R. Baldwin Contributing Library: Duke University Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Duke University Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: degree of preheminence j nor isthis founded fimply in the opinion of the French^but is equaliy known and allowed by the Eng-lijh and Dutch •, and in regard to the lafl: mer>tioned commodity, we may appeal to fome ofthe merchants of this city, who are well ac-quainted therewith, and upon whofe authoritytherefore we may the more fafely rely. It is a point of juftice to obferve, that if cre-dit be due to the memorials oi French officers^who have vificed Granada^ true cinnamcn andfome mtmcg-trees are found there, which, ifexperience fhould verify, all that we have ad-vanced in refpea to Tabago, may be as jufllyapplied to Granada-, and the only reafon for in-filling upon the fubjed there, was becaufe wethought the fad better eftablifl-ied, from theauthority,of the Dutch, who of all nations arethe bed acquainted with fpices. In refpedl tofituation, and thofe expofitions that are eflenti-ally requifite to the proper culture of thefe va-luable produds, the iQands are every way equal, or. Text Appearing After Image: f ^17 ) Or^ if upon making the experiment, Granadajfhould be found preferable to Tabago^ which,for a reafon that will be hereafter afLgned, mayvery probably prove the cafe, it ought no doubtto be preferred. All the French writers agree, and thofe ofour nation that have vifited this iQand agree withthem, that there is in general good anchoringground, on all the coafts, and many commo-dious creeks and bays, both on the eaft and weftfide, which would be infinitely advantageous tocommerce^ if this country was fully peopledand compleatly cultivated ; to which, they maybe confidered as a very powerful irxitement, asiflands might be mentioned, where the want ofthefe conveniences, is no fmall drav.back on theinduftry of the inhabitants. But befides thefefmall, there are alio two large ports of incom-parable excellence, and which therefore deferveparticular notice. The firft of thefe is the harbour of Calivemeyat the fouth-eaft extremity of the ifland, and isfingularly fafe and fpacious. It co Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Candid and impartial considerations on the nature of the sugar trade; the comparative importance of the British and French islands in the West-Indies- with the value and consequence of St. Lucia and (14780319154)
Credit: Source book page:
Author: Campbell, John, 1708-1775
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