Image: Cabbage and cross section on white
Description: Cabbage and its cross section on a white background. Taken in Victoria, Australia in Jan 2009
Title: Cabbage and cross section on white
Credit: Own work
fir0002 flagstaffotos [at] Canon 20D + Sigma 150mm f/2.8
Using this image: licensing/copyright informationNote: this image is not in the Public Domain. Under the CC BY-NC: you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this work provided that correct attribution is provided. Attribution must be provided in a prominent location to "Fir0002/Flagstaffotos". Under the GFDL 1.2: please note details below Under the GFDL v1.2 (only option): any reproduction of this image, in any medium, must appear with a copy of, or full (hyperlinked) URL of the GFDL license. In addition, attribution of this image to "Fir0002/Flagstaffotos" is required and you are required to release the image (or any subsequent derivatives of it) under the GFDL v1.2. No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without the permission of the author and copyright holder. If you require a less restrictive commercial license please email "flagstaffotos [at]" to negotiate terms.
Usage Terms: GNU Free Documentation License 1.2
License: GFDL 1.2
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Attribution Required?: Yes
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