Image: Bryan 10 commandments PUCK 1906

Description: Tablet reads: l-Thou shalt have no other leaders before me. II—Thou shalt not make unto thyself any high Protective Tariff. Ill—Eight hours, and no more, shalt thou labor and do all thy work. IV—Thou shalt not graft. V—Thou shalt not elect thy Senators save by Popular Vote. VI—Thou shalt not grant rebates unto thy neighbor. VII—Thou shalt not make combinations in restraint of trade. VIII—Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's income, but shall make him pay a tax upon it. IX—There shall be no more government by injunction. X—Remember Election Day to vote it early. P.S.— When in doubt, ask Me. [source Joseph Keppler in Puck (magazine) Sept 19, 1906; reprinted in: Smylie, James H. "William Jennings Bryan and the Cartoonists: A Pictorial Lampoon, 1896—1925." Journal of Presbyterian History 53.2 (1975): 83-92 p 88 online.
Title: Bryan 10 commandments PUCK 1906
Credit: page 88
Author: staff cartoonist PUCK magazine
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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