Image: Bohemian Life (1899) (14785593483)

Description: Identifier: bohemianlife05murg (find matches) Title: Bohemian Life Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Murger, Henri Subjects: Bibliotheque des chefs-d'oeuvre du roman contemporain: Realists (and) Romancists French fiction--19th century--Translations into English Limited Editions French fiction Publisher: Philadelpha: Printed for subscribers only by G. Barrie Contributing Library: Susquehanna University, Blough-Weis Library Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: neknew that he was in the habit of paying up as soon ashis resources enabled him to do it, they willingly accom-modated him when they could. Now, since eleven oclock in the morning, when hehad started out to try to collect the seventy-five francshe needed, he had as yet collected only a small crown—three francs—due to the collaboration of the letters M.V. and R. on his famous list; all the rest of the alphabet,having rent to pay like himself, dismissed his peti-tion. At six oclock a ferocious appetite rang the dinner-bell in his stomach; he was then at the Barriere duMaine, where the letter U. lived. Schaunard called uponthe letter U., where a napkin was always at his servicewhen there were napkins there. ari)apter $ ^But your furniture? queried Monsieur Bernard. ^Here it is, replied the young man, pointing to thesumptuous furniture pai7itcd 071 the cativas palace, whichhe had purchased at the Hdtel Bullion, where it wasoffered for sale as part of the scenery of a society theatre. Text Appearing After Image: HOW THE BOHEMIAN CLUB WAS ORGANIZED 25 Where are you going, monsieur ? asked the con-cierge, stopping him as he passed. To Monsieur U s, the artist replied. Hes not in. And Madame ? Shes not in, either; they told me to tell one oftheir friends who was to call on them this evening, thatthey were dining out; if you are the gentleman theyexpected, heres the address they left for you, and he handed Schaunard a bit of paper on which U had written : We have gone to dine with Schaunard, number —Rue ; come and join us there. Very good, said he, taking his leave, whenchance takes a hand, it plays some curious tricks. Schaunard remembered just then that he was withina few steps of a little tavern where he had obtaineda meal two or three times at a low figure, so he benthis steps toward the establishment in question, whichis situated on Chauss^e du Maine, and is known inLower Bohemia by the name of La Mere Cadet. Itis an eating-house whose ordinary clientage consists ofcarriers on the Orleans Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Bohemian Life (1899) (14785593483)
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