Image: BLW Miniature fire tools

Description: Miniature shovel, poker and tongsAbout 1725 No hallmarks (London) Mark of David Clayton struck on shovel and poker No marks on tongs This miniature poker is a toy. The term toy included any knick-knack or fashionable trinket for adults, as well as a child�s plaything. Silver toys like this one copied the exact details and proportions of normal sized pieces and came in a variety of subjects and sizes, ranging from domestic utensils to elaborate furniture. There are several explanations for them. They might have been intended to furnish dolls� houses. They might have been miniature trade samples. They might have been practice pieces for apprentices. They might have been fashionable novelties for adults to collect or they might simply have been playthings for rich children. In 1571, the daughter of Henry II of France ordered a set of small silver �pots, bowls, plates and other articles� to give to a royal child. The high point of production in London was the period 1700-1750. Because they were light and small, silver toys are not fully hallmarked. The form of the maker�s or retailer�s mark helps to date them. Bequeathed by Mrs D.S.F. Campbell
Author: Valerie McGlinchey
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