Image: Bürgerkinder zur Biedermeierzeit (um 1820)

Description: Starting in the late 18th century, a so-called Bildungsbürgertum – an educated bourgeoisie – developed in the German states. This class defined itself more on the basis of education than material possessions. Members of this class were often employed as civil servants, at universities, or in the free professions. Mindful of how important their education was for their own careers. In this lithograph two boys work with a tutor, who patiently explains a lesson to them. The surroundings are suggestive of an educated household. Lithograph, c. 1820.
Title: Bürgerkinder zur Biedermeierzeit (um 1820)
Author: German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) is a comprehensive collection of primary source materials. All of the materials can be downloaded free of charge for teaching, research, and related purposes; the site is strictly intended for individual, non-commercial. GHDI is an initiative of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. Made possible by the generous support of the Max Kade Foundation and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, the project has been undertaken in cooperation with the Friends of the German Historical Institute, the Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, and IEG-MAPS, Institute for European History, Mainz. use.
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