Image: Amphibolite (Precambrian; Warrensburg, Adirondack Mountains, New York State, USA) 1

Description: Amphibolite in the Precambrian of New York State, USA. In the eastern Adirondacks of New York State, "big garnets" are famously known from the North Creek and Warrensburg areas (e.g., see Hollocher et al., 2008). This outcrop has large, red-colored, almandine garnet masses in dark-colored amphibolite (see elsewhere in this photo album) - this shot shows the amphibolite matrix. Amphibolite is a metamorphic rock having hornblende amphibole and plagioclase feldspar. Locality: roadcut along Wall Street, immediately north of the East Schroon River Road-Wall Street intersection, just northeast of the town of Warrensburg, southeastern Adirondack Mountains, central Warren County, eastern New York State, USA (43° 29’ 58.68” North latitude, 73° 44’ 45.34” West longitude) Reference cited: Hollocher et al. (2008) - Petrology of big garnet amphibolites, North Creek-Warrensburg area, Adirondacks, NY. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40(2): 21.
Title: Amphibolite (Precambrian; Warrensburg, Adirondack Mountains, New York State, USA) 1
Author: James St. John
Usage Terms: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
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