Image: Ambush and death of Gregorios Taronites by the Bulgarians

Description: Skyllitzes Matritensis, fol. 184v, detail. Miniature: Bulgarians ambush and kill the governor of Thessalonica, Duke Gregory Taronites. Text from the Chronicle of John Skylitzes: "... Samuel was campaigning against Thessalonike. He divided the majority of his forces to man ambushes and snares but he sent a small expedition to advance right up to Thessalonike itself. When duke Gregory [Taronites] learnt of this incursion he despatched Asotios, his own son, to spy on and reconnoitre the [enemy] host and to provide him with inteligence and then he himself came along afterwards. Asiotios set out and came into conflict with the [enemy] vanguard which he put to flight, only to be taken unwittingly in an ambush. On hearing of this Gregory rushed to the help of his son, striving to deliver him from captivity, bu he too was surrounded by Bulgars; he fell fighting nobly and heroically. ..." (Translated by John Wortley, in: John Skylitzes: A Synopsis of Byzantine History, 811-1057: Translation and Notes, p. 323) References: Ioannis Scylitzae Synopsis Historiarum. Editio Princeps. Rec. Ioannes Thurn, p. 341, in: Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 5 Series Berolinensis, 1973 Tsamakda V.: The illustrated chronicle of Ioannes Skylitzes in Madrid, p. 221 Божилов Ив.: Българите във Византийската империя, p. 183 Grabar A., Manoussacas M.: L'illustration du manuscript de Skylitzes de Madrid, p. 100 Божков А.: Миниатюри от Мадридския ръкопис на Йоан Скилица, p. 225
Title: Ambush and death of Gregorios Taronites by the Bulgarians
Credit: en:Madrid Skylitzes
Author: from the Middle Ages, unknown
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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