Image: Aedes Althorpianae; or, Account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp; the residence of George John, earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana (1822) (14592054739)

Description: Tractato bellissimo delle piu maravigliose cose & piu notabile che sitrouino nelle parte delmondo scripte et racolte dallo strenuissimo caualiere asperondoro Giovanni Mandavilla 1492 Identifier: aedesalthorpiana02spen (find matches) Title: Aedes Althorpianae; or, Account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp; the residence of George John, earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana Year: 1822 (1820s) Authors: Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847 Subjects: Althorp (Northampton, Northamptonshire) Rare books Incunabula Publisher: London : Printed by W. Nicol, Shakespeare Press (etc.) Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: -. 1 hetitle and embellishment are thus : (Cractato fidliffiiiio bcIic piu marauigliofe cofc i piunotabile cfje fi truouino ndk parte tielmontio fcripte etracoltc tiaHo frrcnuiffinio Caualicrc afpcronboro <6iouanni a^anbauina f ra^cfe tljc tjifito qua^i tutti \t parte tcl montJO fjabitabili ribocto in lingua Cftofcana, BczggrrrggzzT Text Appearing After Image: There is no other embellishment in the volume. The impression isexecuted in double columns, with signatures, a to k, in eights; havingthe following colophon on the reverse of k viij; MISCELLANEOUS. 173 5pinito iUiBro fidliffhtio hia5iouanm Si^abiuiKa* ritiocto mJingua €ofcf;ana SInipreffo ndla €^cdfa Cipta hi fittix^t pttkt Hort^o tic iir^orgiam *i <^iouanni tia lei^agan^a. % hi bit tii<^iu0no. ^. cat. Uxxm* The present beautiful copy, obtained of Professor May of Augsbourg,has rough leaves throughout. It has been recently bound in Venetianmorocco by C. Lewis. 1172. Manfredi. Liber de Homine. Italice.Printed hy Rugerius and Bertochus. 1474. Folio. A Latin address, apparently from the author to John de Bentivoglio, ison the reverse of the first leaf. A table of 11 leaves, in double columns,follows. The text succeeds thus, on the recto of the ensuing leaf: ERCHE EL SOPERCHIO NE LE COSE Che noi uiiiemo: & lo idebito mo del uiue nostro: idu ce 1 noi egritudle. Et sono lecoss Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Aedes Althorpianae; or, Account of the mansion, books, and pictures, at Althorp; the residence of George John, earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana (1822) (14592054739)
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