Image: AcabaramSeOsOtariosAd1

Description: Low-resolution image of advertisement for the film Acabaram-se os otários (The End of the Simpletons; 1929) Original rights holder: Syncrocinex
Title: AcabaramSeOsOtariosAd1
Credit: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Stef48 using CommonsHelper. Original text: Scan from private collection
Author: The original uploader was DCGeist at English Wikipedia
Permission: PD-BRAZIL-NO AUTHOR DISCLOSURE. Public domain explanation The image was published in Brazil as an anonymously designed business advertisement over 70 years ago. Research reveals no evidence that the image has ever been published with the artist's or artists' names and a copyright claim.
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
Image usage
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