Image: A little queen of hearts; an international story (1893) (14566653137)

Description: Identifier: littlequeenofhea00ogde (find matches) Title: A little queen of hearts; an international story Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927 Subjects: Publisher: New York, Frederick A. Stokes Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: nd that this was the Queens mother; and Marie-Celeste,presuming he knew whereof he spoke, simply took him at his word.And so both the children almost at once betraying their utterunconsciousness of the Queens presence, the Queen and her com-panion were naturally greatly amused, and by an interchange ofglances decided not to enlighten their unsuspecting little visitors. Her Majesty, said Miss Belmore, the lady-in-waiting, afterhesitating a moment, not knowing how to answer, has of coursemany things to occupy her mind, but still she often spends a quiethour or so in this very room. Oh, does she? for this fact at once added a new lustre toeverything for Marie-Celeste; where does she generally sit ? Generally where I am sitting, answered the Queen. And—and I know jus how she looks sitting dere, said Albert; she has a beautiful crown on her head and a long kind of veilcoming down from de crown, and a kind of gold stick in her handdat papa says is called a—a- MADAME LA GRANDE REINE. 133 Text Appearing After Image: THE STATUE ON CASTLE HILL. Sceptre, suggested Marie-Celeste, coming to the rescue ; andthen she wears- -for Marie-Celeste had studied the statue too— a beautiful broad ribbon coming from one shoulder, crosswisethis way to her belt, doesnt she ? Yes, sometimes, said Miss Belmore. I34 A LITTLE QUEEN OF HEARTS. And on it she wears the badge of the Order of the Garter,doesnt she? Yes, that is right, too; but what do two little people like youknow about the Order of the Garter ? We know all dere is, said Albert grandly; we had a Knight-of-the-Garter day las week; and then recalling the matter of thefoolish little garter,his face grew crimson,and he begged Marie-Celestenot to tell. What do you mean by a Knight-of-the-Garter day ? said theQueen, smiling at Alberts embarrassment and keenly enjoying thenovelty of the situation. Why, it was a day, Marie-Celeste explained, when we cameto the castle here and went into the different rooms and then intoSt. Georges Chapel, and Harold Harris, my co Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: A little queen of hearts; an international story (1893) (14566653137)
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