Image: AS17-137-20979
Description: A close-up view of the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) at the Taurus-Littrow landing site photographed during Apollo 17 lunar surface extravehicular activity. Note the makeshift repair arrangement on the right rear fender of the LRV. During EVA-1 a hammer got underneath the fender and a part of it was knocked off. Astronauts Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt were reporting a problem with lunar dust because of the damage fender. Following a suggestion from astronaut John W. Young in the Mission Control Center at Houston the crewmen repaired the fender early in EVA-2 using lunar maps and clamps from the optical alignment telescope lamp. Schmitt is seated in the rover. Cernan took this picture. Technical information: Rear View from Station 2, Lunar Roving Vehicle LRV, taken during the second Extravehicular Activity EVA 2 of the Apollo 17 mission. Original film magazine was labeled C, film type was SO-368 Color Exterior, CEX, Ektachrome MS, color reversal 60mm lens with a sun elevation of 27 degrees.
Title: AS17-137-20979
Author: NASA/Eugene A. Cernan
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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