Image: 2005-0623-VK-OgdenSign
Description: "Ogden" sign in Ogden, Utah. This picture was taken from the east sidewalk of Washington Boulevard at one of the trailheads of (parking areas for) the Ogden River Parkway. The picture was taken southward, towards downtown Ogden.
Title: 2005-0623-VK-OgdenSign
Credit: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was en:Image:2005-0623-VK-OgdenSign.jpg here.
Author: The original uploader was Val42 at English Wikipedia
Permission: COPYRIGHTEDFREEUSE-LINK. The copyright holder of this image hereby irrevocably releases all rights to it, allowing it to be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited in any way by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. However, as a courtesy, a link back to would be appreciated. Original upload log[editar] (All user names refer to en.wikipedia) 2005-07-01 20:16 Val42 568×237×8 (30072 bytes) "Welcome to Ogden" sign over the Ogden River in Ogden, Utah. This picture was taken from the east sidewalk of Washington Boulevard at one of the trailheads of (parking areas for) the Ogden River Parkway. en:Image:2005-0623-VK-OgdenSign.jpg
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