Image: 1979 BCP title
Description: Title page of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church
Title: 1979 BCP title
Credit: scanned from user's own library.
Author: Episcopal Church; scan by Hoshie (talk).
Permission: Public Domain as Title II, Canon 3, Sec. 6(b)(2) of The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church states that "To protect, by copyright, the authorized text of such revision, on behalf of the General Convention; which copyright shall be relinquished when such proposed revision or revisions shall have been adopted by the General Convention as an alteration of, or addition to, the Book of Common Prayer;" The book does not have any wordage that states the text is a proposed revision or a copyright notice at all.
Usage Terms: Public domain
License: Public domain
Attribution Required?: No
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