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Category:IUCN Red List endangered species facts for kids
Pages in category "IUCN Red List endangered species"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,738 total.
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- Abbott's booby
- Abbott's duiker
- Abies hickelii
- Abronia fimbriata
- Abronia meledona
- Acadian redfish
- Achondrostoma salmantinum
- Adansonia grandidieri
- Adelaide pygmy blue-tongue skink
- Adelphicos ibarrorum
- Aden Gulf torpedo
- Adenomera lutzi
- African bush elephant
- African penguin
- African wild dog
- Afrixalus lacteus
- Agave caymanensis
- Agave shawii
- Agile gibbon
- Agouta
- Alabama cave shrimp
- Alabama red-bellied cooter
- Alabama waterdog
- Aldabra flying fox
- Aldabra fody
- Alfilerillo
- Algerian nuthatch
- Alishan salamander
- Allium schubertii
- Alpine musk deer
- Alsodes valdiviensis
- Alsodes verrucosus
- Altamaha spinymussel
- Alto Marañon toad
- Amable Maria frog
- Amami rabbit
- Amami tip-nosed frog
- Amarakaeri poison frog
- Amargosa toad
- Amazon river dolphin
- Amber darter
- Amber Mountain fork-marked lemur
- Amber Mountain rock thrush
- Ameerega boehmei
- American eel
- Amji's salamander
- Amsterdam albatross
- Anatolian leopard
- Anaxyrus californicus
- Andaman horseshoe bat
- Andean marsupial tree frog
- Andean mountain cat
- Andros Island iguana
- Angel Island chuckwalla
- Angular angelshark
- Angular roughshark
- Anhui musk deer
- Anjouan scops owl
- Anodonthyla jeanbai
- Anolis campbelli
- Anolis gruuo
- Anolis johnmeyeri
- Anolis loveridgei
- Anolis pijolense
- Anolis wermuthi
- Anolis yoroensis
- Anomaloglossus beebei
- Anomaloglossus kaiei
- Anomaloglossus roraima
- Antioquian sac-winged bat
- Antipodean albatross
- Antiponemertes allisonae
- Antsingy leaf chameleon
- Apennine yellow-bellied toad
- Apolinar's wren
- Apteranthes burchardii
- Aquatic rat
- Aran rock lizard
- Ariocarpus agavoides
- Ariocarpus bravoanus
- Ariocarpus scaphirostris
- Arkansas fatmucket
- Arroyo toad
- Arulius barb
- Arunachal macaque
- Ash's lark
- Ash-breasted tit-tyrant
- Ash-throated antwren
- Ashy storm petrel
- Asian arowana
- Asian elephant
- Asian lion
- Asir magpie
- Aspidosperma polyneuron
- Asterogyne ramosa
- Atacama myotis
- Ateleia gummifera
- Atelognathus praebasalticus
- Atelopus exiguus
- Atelopus laetissimus
- Athrotaxis laxifolia
- Atlantic halibut
- Atlantic petrel
- Atlantic weasel shark
- Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross
- Aurelio's rock lizard
- Australasian bittern
- Australian brook lamprey
- Australian lace-lid
- Australian painted-snipe
- Australian sea lion
- Austroglanis barnardi
- Axelrod's rainbowfish
- Aye-aye
- Azorina vidalii
- Baetica ustulata
- Bahama oriole
- Bahama swallow
- Bahamian rock iguana
- Bahia tapaculo
- Bahian mouse-colored tapaculo
- Baird's Tapir
- Banasura laughingthrush
- Banded ground cuckoo
- Banded houndshark
- Bank cormorant
- Banks flying fox
- Bannerman's turaco
- Banteng
- Baoruco burrowing frog
- Baoruco hammer frog
- Barau's petrel
- Barbary macaque
- Bare-necked umbrellabird
- Barred galaxias
- Barrens topminnow
- Barrio's frog
- Barton's cichlid
- Basking shark
- Bateleur
- Bathurst copper
- Baudin's black cockatoo
- Baudo guan
- Bay-breasted cuckoo
- Bayou darter
- Beale's eyed turtle
- Beautiful goetzea
- Beddomeia capensis
- Begonia aeranthos
- Behaimia
- Beilschmiedia berteroana
- Beisa oryx
- Bengal tiger
- Bentfin devil ray
- Berg River redfin
- Berg's tuco-tuco
- Bermuda petrel
- Berry Cave salamander
- Berthe's mouse lemur
- Betic midwife toad
- Betta persephone
- Big leaf mahogany
- Big-eyed tree frog
- Big-headed African mole-rat
- Bioko drill
- Bioko squeaker frog
- Black bearded saki
- Black false brook salamander
- Black harrier
- Black jumping salamander
- Black lion tamarin
- Black marsh turtle
- Black mudfish
- Black musk deer
- Black rail
- Black robin
- Black rosy finch
- Black Sea bottlenose dolphin
- Black shama
- Black squirrel monkey
- Black-and-chestnut eagle
- Black-and-white snub-nosed monkey
- Black-backed thornbill
- Black-bearded flying fox
- Black-bellied tern
- Black-billed amazon
- Black-breasted leaf turtle
- Black-capped petrel
- Black-chested spiny-tailed iguana
- Black-crowned Central American squirrel monkey