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Category:Foreign Members of the Royal Society facts for kids
Pages in category "Foreign Members of the Royal Society"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 608 total.
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- Abdus Suttar Khan
- Ada Yonath
- Adam Johann von Krusenstern
- Adolf Butenandt
- Adolf von Baeyer
- Adolph Theodor Kupffer
- Adolphe Quetelet
- Adolphe-Théodore Brongniart
- Ahmed Zewail
- Alan Fowler (physicist)
- Albert A. Michelson
- Albert Abraham Michelson
- Albert Calmette
- Albert Eschenmoser
- Albert Frey-Wyssling
- Albert Heim
- Albert Kluyver
- Albert Portevin
- Albert von Kölliker
- Albin Haller
- Alexander Agassiz
- Alexander Dallas Bache
- Alexander Kovalevsky
- Alexander Nesmeyanov
- Alexander von Humboldt
- Alexandre Brongniart
- Alexei Abrikosov (physicist)
- Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov
- Alexis Bouvard
- Alfred Des Cloizeaux
- Alfred Lacroix
- Alfred Newton Richards
- Alfred Romer
- Allan Sandage
- Alphonse Laveran
- Alphonse Pyramus de Candolle
- Anatole Abragam
- Anders Jonas Ångström
- Andrey Kolmogorov
- André Weil
- André-Marie Ampère
- Angelo Secchi
- Antoine César Becquerel
- Antoine Laurent de Jussieu
- Anton de Bary
- Anton Dohrn
- Arne Tiselius
- Arnold Sommerfeld
- Arthur Auwers
- Arthur Kornberg
- Arthur Stoll
- Asa Gray
- August Kekulé
- August Krogh
- August Weismann
- Auguste Chauveau
- Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel
- Augustin-Louis Cauchy
- Augusto Righi
- Calvin Quate
- Camille Jordan
- Carl Djerassi
- Carl Ferdinand Cori
- Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
- Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
- Carl Ludwig
- Carl Ludwig Christian Rümker
- Carl Nägeli
- Carl Ritter
- Carl Størmer
- Carl Woese
- Carolyn Bertozzi
- Charles Adolphe Wurtz
- Charles Barrois
- Charles Fabry
- Charles H. Townes
- Charles Hard Townes
- Charles Hermite
- Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran
- Charles Yanofsky
- Charles-Eugène Delaunay
- Charles-François Brisseau de Mirbel
- Christian de Duve
- Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg
- Christian Leopold von Buch
- Christopher Hansteen
- Claude Bernard
- Claude Shannon
- Cristian Gottfried Ehrenberg
- César-Mansuète Despretz
- E. O. Wilson
- Edmond Becquerel
- Edmond H. Fischer
- Edmund Beecher Wilson
- Edoardo Amaldi
- Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm Pflüger
- Eduard Strasburger
- Eduard Suess
- Edward B. Lewis
- Edward Charles Pickering
- Edward Mills Purcell
- Edward N. Lorenz
- Edward Norton Lorenz
- Edwin E. Salpeter
- Edwin Ernest Salpeter
- Edwin H. Land
- Eilhard Mitscherlich
- Elias Magnus Fries
- Elmer McCollum
- Emil du Bois-Reymond
- Emil Fischer
- Emmanuel de Margerie
- Emmanuel Fauré-Fremiet
- Enrico Fermi
- Ephraim Katzir
- Erich Hückel
- Erik Stensiö
- Ernst Cohen
- Ernst Heinrich Weber
- Ernst Kummer
- Ernst Mayr
- Erwin Hahn
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Eugene Wigner
- Evgeny Lifshitz
- Ewald Hering
- F. Albert Cotton
- F. Sherwood Rowland
- Felipe Bauzá
- Felix Andries Vening Meinesz
- Felix Klein
- Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen
- Feodor Lynen
- Ferdinand Cohn
- Ferdinand von Richthofen
- Ferdinand Zirkel
- Fotis Kafatos
- Francesco Carlini
- Francis Collins
- Francisco de Borja Garção Stockler
- Franciscus Donders
- Frank Press
- Frank Westheimer
- Franz Ernst Neumann
- Franz Leydig
- François Arago
- François Jacob
- Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz
- Friedrich Bessel
- Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve
- Friedrich Hirzebruch
- Friedrich Kohlrausch (physicist)
- Friedrich Robert Helmert
- Friedrich Stromeyer
- Friedrich Tiedemann
- Friedrich Wilhelm Argelander
- Friedrich Wöhler
- Frits Went
- Frits Zernike
- Frédéric Cuvier
- Frédéric Joliot-Curie
- Félix Savart
- G. Evelyn Hutchinson
- G. Ledyard Stebbins
- Gabriel Auguste Daubrée
- Gabriel Lippmann
- Gaspard de Prony
- Georg Adolf Erman
- Georg Hermann Quincke
- Georg Ohm
- Georg Simon Ohm
- Georg von Neumayer
- George Andrew Olah
- George Beadle
- George de Hevesy
- George Emil Palade
- George Gaylord Simpson
- George H. Hitchings
- George Kistiakowsky