Campaign facts for kids

A campaign is trying to do something. Some battles in wars are called campaigns. The word comes from "Campania", a region where the ancient Roman army often fought.
A campaign usually involves groups of people following a plan and working together in different ways to get what they want.
When someone in politics seeks election to a political office, that is called a "political campaign". Sometimes, a series of advertisements can be referred to as an "advertising campaign".
A "blood drive", when the Red Cross or a hospital asks people to give blood, is also a campaign.
An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication.
A Military campaign is a series of battles in a particular area within a certain period of time. Usually, one army is trying to capture the area from another army. A war can have several campaigns.
Images for kids
Election campaign in East Timor: Truck Rally
A political rally in Chinatown, Los Angeles, featuring Betty Ford campaigning for her husband, U.S. President Gerald Ford, during the 1976 presidential campaign.
Democrat John Edwards makes a campaign speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2007.
NDP leader Jack Layton and Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe greet babies - a traditional campaign activity - at the Fête nationale du Québec in Montreal
Walter Faulkner, candidate for U.S. Congress in 1938, campaigns in person with a farmer in Crossville, Tennessee (photo by Dorothea Lange)
U.S. President Richard Nixon campaigns in 1972 by "working the crowd" and shaking hands with supporters.